Walking Together Blog #5: The Paperback Format Is Now Available

My book, Walking Together: Engagement Lessons from My First Nations Learning Journey is now concurrently available through some key online retailers in eBook, paperback, and hardcopy format.

This is a milestone of sorts.

The publisher had cautioned me that it could take up to six weeks to appear on the listings of many online retailers, but I still found it disconcerting to check daily only to find the paperback format was not available. The availability of the paperback format is a relief.

I have no idea which format will be popular, although I anticipate the eBook will be the more popular. As insight to Andy Fyon, I still prefer paperback. Perhaps I am old school. On the other hand, most paperback books I own are marked up with comments I made in the margins. I guess that is confirmation of old school.

Regardless, if you are curious about the book, check out the book website at: andyfyon.com

Andy Fyon

I photograph plants in unusual geological habitats and landscapes across Canada. I am a geologist by training and the retired Director of the Ontario Geological Survey.


Blog #6: Why Engage With First Nations Communities?


Walking Together Blog #4: Book Distribution Milestone